This post originally appeared on

About six months ago I met KYLIE and KATIE. They spoke about POWERSHEETS and MAKING THINGS HAPPEN and I was so intrigued. I was at a point where I was overloading myself, not allowing room for margin, and I was filled with major Mommy guilt because of it. Wow, did those Powersheets rock my world. They changed everything for me at that point.

Here I am only six months later and in a different season of life. I have felt a calling to use my blog for a greater good and have been so focused on what I should have been doing years ago to get my blog off the ground. And then putting so much pressure on myself to make it happen NOW. So much so that I’ve completely overwhelmed myself yet again and am feeling that same Mommy guilt. I told the ladies on the first day of the Making Things Happen Conference that I was there for a big kick in the pants to get my priorities straight.

Make Life Happen Lara Casey

After two days of tears, digging deep, and showing my ugly I have come out on the other side feeling so inspired to live a life free of regret. I now realize I can have the best of both worlds (a fabulous career and a great family life) as long as I set boundaries and rid of distractions. So here are a few things that I plan to do. Friends, please help to hold me accountable!

– Set office hours. My office hours will be from 10-2 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays while the kids are in school. I am going to fiercely protect those hours with a clear plan, working hard to stay on track. And then turning off my computer when done.

– Only checking email twice a day. I am actually going to try to disconnect email from my phone as it is a major distraction every time I hear my phone ding.

– No phones in the bedroom. I go to sleep on my phone browsing Instagram or blogs and then wake up and immediately reach over to check my email. Instead, I am going to set one of those many books on my “to read” list on my nightstand.

– Wake up before my family – squeeze in a workout and bible time. So that by the time the kids wake up I am ready to take on the day and am in a good place.

– No social media after 5pm. I need to be intentional with my family time free of those distractions.

– Rest! I am a busy body by nature. I read this quote from Emily Ley some time ago that said “You can’t draw happy children, loving words, delicious dinner, a clean home, an organized life, happy memories, beautiful photographs, great design, good work, a happy marriage, a happy family or insert what you want from an empty well.” Yes yes yes!

Say a prayer for me, friends, because these are going to be some hard changes to make. But SO worth it.