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A history of Making Things Happen

Nov 2009

Lara publishes a blog post answering the question, "How do you make things happen?" Within minutes, comments, emails, calls, and texts start to pour in, and the consulting requests begin. Encouraged by friend, Jeff Holt, Lara decides to take the ideas from her blog post on the road as a workshop, heading first to Watercolor, Florida.

Dec 2009

The first Making Things Happen Intensive was powerful, and brought together two of our speakers, Emily Ley and Gina Zeidler. Not knowing if anyone else would sign up, Lara takes a leap and opens tickets for a 13-city tour. By New Year's Day, they were sold out.


Lara and Jeff travel across the nation, hosting MTH intensives and helping others think differently about their lives and businesses.

Nov 2010

Emily and Gina join Lara for another Making Things Happen tour!

Mar 2013

After a whirlwind two years of touring, having babies, and working on Making Brands Happen, the MTH Intensive Tour becomes a twice-a-year, two-day conference held in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. For the first time, attendees spend two days digging deep into life and business, and then walking away with actionable goals and tools to bring those ideas to life. This is our largest conference ever!

Oct 2013

The 45th MTH Intensive is held in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Mar 2014

The 46th MTH intensive is held in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Oct 2014

Will Ray joins our speaker lineup, partnering with his wife, Nancy Ray to offer our attendees financial advice for their lives and businesses.

Mar 2015

The 48th MTH Intensive is held in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and the conference size is officially limited to less than 70 people in order to increase community and trust.

Nov 2015

The 49th MTH Intensive is held in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Mar 2016

Photographer, Katelyn James joins our speaker lineup for the 50th MTH intensive! We are thrilled to host this sold-out conference for the eighth year in a row, welcoming attendees both nationally and internationally, from all walks of life.

Oct 2016

The 51st MTH Intensive is held in Chapel Hill, North Carolina!

Mar 2017

The 52nd MTH Intensive is held in in Chapel Hill, North Carolina!

Mar 2018

We can't wait to meet our new attendees at our 53rd Intensive in Chapel Hill!

The 2016 Making Things Happen Intensive, now in its seventh year, is the first of its kind. This two-day intensive, led by Lara Casey, author of Make it Happen, is designed to fire you up and set you on a powerful path. Together, we’ll dig deep, establish priorities, uncover a purposeful vision for your life and business, set goals, and discover how to make what matters most happen. Making Things Happen was founded on the idea that you have the choice to change your life. Read what our latest MTH class had to say about their experience here.

The Story

In November 2009, Lara Casey took a seemingly small but gigantic risk that would change the course of her life and thousands of others. She wrote a blog post in response to an email that asked the question, “How do you make things happen?” That blog post started снять дом в Ростове посуточно a revolution, and just 30 days later had her touring the US on a sold out 13-city tour to teach people the principles she used to make big things happen. Six years since it began and 1000+ alum later, MTH has become a national movement in the wedding and creative industry. MTH alum have made phenomenal things happen since attending (from national acclaim to life balance to new businesses to making creative passions their full time jobs!), becoming a part of one of the most supportive and encouraging collaborative communities out there ensures the MTH effect is lasting.

Who is MTH for?

MTH is not for the faint of heart or for people who want a quick fix, but for people from all walks of life who really want to change, grow, and harness their full potential. Are you struggling trying to control family responsibilities and expectations? Are you a working professional striving for balance, purpose, or running with a big idea? Or are you a small business owner burning the candle at both ends? Whether you’re a mom, a seasoned professional, or a creative with a big idea, MTH is right for you if you’re ready to stop letting fear dictate your life and start living and working with purpose.

How is MTH Different from Other Conferences?

Even those who have gone through the MTH experience have a hard time articulating it, but that’s okay – we encourage alums to let their actions explain the powerful changes they’ve experienced! Today’s Making Things Happen Conference is designed to fire people up to make bold decisions towards their best lives and empower them to step into their fears instead of away from them. Attendees are given the time and space to walk through vital and challenging questions — the ones that are easy to ignore on a day-to-day basis. We dig in together to discover our cores, and then learn how to act on those cores by ridding ourselves of distractions and fears to step boldly onto a new path. We believe life is too short to play small.

There are many other great conferences out there that provide the nuts and bolts of business planning and execution. MTH was created to give you the foundation and purpose to make what matters happen, be it in family, career, or business. Doing this work makes whatever you want to make happen more fruitful, more successful, and more purposeful.

For more, read feedback from many of the past MTH attendees on their experiences here.

What Can I Expect?

Two impactful days with our inspiring and incredibly open collection of speakers. Conference sessions last from approximately 10am to 6pm on days one and two. Breakfast (starting at 9am), lunch, and snacks are served both days. There are also several optional and informal get-togethers throughout the Conference: a meet-up on Sunday evening and “fireside chats” to decompress on the nights of days one and two. Many attendees choose to get dinner together on one or both nights of the Conference, as well. We recommend you do not plan any travel on either Monday or Tuesday to get the most out of the experience.

Making Things Happen Topics

What Is The Encouragement Crew?

Kristin WinchesterOur Chief Encourager and conference organizer, Kristin Winchester will be in touch with you from the moment you purchase your ticket until the end of the conference (and far into the future — we love keeping in touch!). She’s the woman behind all of our conference logistics, making sure that you’re well-prepared and informed, that all dietary needs are met, and that the conference runs smoothly.

Kristin is likely the first person to give you a giant hug once you arrive in Chapel Hill, and has put together a great group of MTH alum who serve as volunteers during the conference, lovingly dubbed the “Encouragement Crew.” They’ll be on hand during the conference to welcome you, direct you to the conference room, and offer any last-minute hugs to calm your nerves.

What Our Latest MTH Class Has To Say

Making Things Happen brought me back to what really matters. I went to MTH wondering what I was doing, where I was going and how in the world I was keeping everything intact. MTH gave me a laser-focused vision with a clear goal, and the tools and mindset I needed to carry on.

– Amy Gabriel, March 2016

The speakers and other attendees were inspiring, encouraging, genuine, loving, kind and driven. I left the intensive with not only tools and new inspiration for starting my own business, but I also left with a new outlook and a fresh approach towards my purpose in life and the passions God has placed in my heart.

– Whitney Pruitt, March 2016

The two days spent at the Making Things Happen Intensive have made an impact on my life by giving me the gift of knowing that I am worth so much more than I allowed myself to believe prior to these two days. I returned home with a stronger sense of purpose, passion and the freedom to give myself grace. These two days also gave me community with other women who are strong, beautiful and crave the ability to live life to the fullest; we have goals and dreams bigger than we are, backed with action plans to make it happen.

– Amanda Daly, March 2016

The two days at Making Things Happen opened my eyes, my mind and my heart more than I thought possible. It allowed me to step out of my daily routine, take my phone out of the clutches of my hand and to really make me realize that I am the only one standing in my way. I learned I’m the only one that can make things happen for my own life. We are made for MORE and for BIG THINGS and I am so thankful for the opportunity to JUST BE for two glorious days in Chapel Hill, where I met wonderful people I’m going to keep in touch with, encourage and be encouraged by, for speakers that touched my heart in ways unimaginable, and for a renewed view on my life!

– Erin Sagester, March 2016

I loved how MTH was about digging deep and figuring out who you are and what you believe your life purpose is. It was about carrying that purpose into our businesses and personal lives, rather than just goal-setting for business. MTH is not a business conference and you won’t necessarily come away with a business plan. However, you will discover what is important to you, which is crucial for building a business or cultivating your personal life.

– Brittney Storm Rankin, March 2016

At MTH, I discovered more about myself personally than I ever imagined. I also had huge revelations in business that I didn’t expect, but left me excited and rejuvenated to get back to work. Being around this group of women was one of the best experiences in my life. I left MTH with a renewed sense of self, a laser focus on my business, a reality check of what is really important, and a group of wonderful girlfriends

– Danielle Edwards, March 2016

I understand now why every MTH alum I’ve ever talked to says that this experience will change your life, because it does. Since MTH, I have been talking nonstop with the friends I made there, I’m taking action and approaching my life with fresh perspective, and I’m counting down the days till I can go back!

– Diana Kerr, March 2016

Ready to take the leap? Click here to register